



114 records
Birds of Prey
African Crowned Eagle
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Birds of Prey
African Fish-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Andaman Serpent Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Bald Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Barred Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Bateleur Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Besra Sparrowhawk
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Birds of Prey
Bicolored Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Black Baza
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Birds of Prey
Black Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Black Hawk-Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Black Kite
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Birds of Prey
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Black-collared Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Black-eared Kite
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Birds of Prey
Black-winged Kite
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Birds of Prey
Black-winged Kite
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Birds of Prey
Bonelli's Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Booted Hawk-Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Brahminy Kite
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Birds of Prey
Broad-winged Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Changeable Hawk-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Chinese Sparrowhawk
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Birds of Prey
Cinereous Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Common Black Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Cooper's Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Crane Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Crested Goshawk
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Birds of Prey
Crested Hawk-Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Crested Serpent Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Cuban Black Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Double-toothed Kite
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Birds of Prey
Eastern Imperial Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Eastern Marsh Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Egyptian Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Eurasian Buzzard
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Birds of Prey
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
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Birds of Prey
Ferruginous Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Golden Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Gray Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Gray-bellied Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Gray-headed Kite
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Birds of Prey
Gray-lined Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Great Black Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Greater Spotted Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Grey-headed Fish Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Griffon Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Gundlach's Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Harpy Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Harris's Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Hawaiian Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Himalayan Buzzard
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Birds of Prey
Himalayan Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Hooded Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Hook-billed Kite
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Birds of Prey
Indian Spotted Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Indian Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Indian White-backed Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Japanese Sparrowhawk
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Birds of Prey
Jerdon's Baza
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Birds of Prey
Legge's Hawk-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Lesser Fish-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Lesser Spotted Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Long-legged Buzzard
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Birds of Prey
Long-winged Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Marsh Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Mississippi Kite
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Birds of Prey
Montagu's Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Mountain Hawk-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Nicobar Serpent-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Nicobar Sparrowhawk
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Birds of Prey
Northern Goshawk
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Birds of Prey
Northern Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Oriental Honey-buzzard
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Birds of Prey
Ornate Hawk-Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Pallas's Fish Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Pallid Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Pearl Kite
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Birds of Prey
Pied Harrier
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Birds of Prey
Plumbeous Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Plumbeous Kite
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Birds of Prey
Red Kite
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Birds of Prey
Red-headed Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Red-shouldered Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Red-tailed Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Ridgway's Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Roadside Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Rough-legged Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Rufous-bellied Hawk-eagle
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Birds of Prey
Savanna Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Semiplumbeous Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Sharp-shinned Hawk
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Birds of Prey
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Birds of Prey
Short-tailed Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Short-toed Snake Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Slender-billed Kite
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Birds of Prey
Slender-billed Vulture
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Birds of Prey
Snail Kite
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Birds of Prey
Solitary Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Steller's Sea-Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Steppe Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Swainson's Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Swallow-tailed Kite
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Birds of Prey
Tawny Eagle
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Birds of Prey
Tiny Hawk
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Birds of Prey
Upland Buzzard
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Birds of Prey
White Hawk
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Birds of Prey
White-backed Vulture
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Birds of Prey
White-bellied Sea Eagle
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Birds of Prey
White-eyed Buzzard
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Birds of Prey
White-tailed Eagle
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Birds of Prey
White-tailed Hawk
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Birds of Prey
White-tailed Kite
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Birds of Prey
Zone-tailed Hawk
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