Black Prince
Rohana parisatis
The Black Prince found in Asia. Male upperside deep velvety black, with one minute snow-white preapical spot on the fore wing; the cilia of both fore and hind wing alternately black and white. Underside dark purplish brown, shaded at base of wings and along costal margin and apex of fore wing with dark ferruginous; both fore and hind wing with two black spots in the discoidal area, followed by an auriform mark and an irregular median band, crossing both wings, of dark brown, markings outwardly obscurely and interruptedly bordered with lilacine; beyond the discal area both wings are shaded transversely with dark brown, succeeded by a subterminal dark line bordered inwardly with purple; fore wing with the white preapical spot larger; hind wing with a black white-centred minute subtornal spot. Antennae black ; head, thorax and abdomen velvety black, dark brown beneath.
Sahyadri Black Prince